A volcano of ideas

A busy day of doing this and that….

Yes, a day off, which quickly turned into a half work day with a simple phone call at eight in the morning. Not exactly how a day off works, but duty called.

Let’s talk about the idea of duty. Our jobs. It is disputed by some that if it is your day off and you receive a call, then feel free to ignore or to respond kindly with a no. Especially if you are a salaried employee like myself. By others it is disputed, if this occurs and it is within your ability to lend a helping hand, then do so. Do so even if there is no compensation. I went into work today, knowing full well a compensation is not necessarily forthcoming.

It was a good choice for me, for me of today. Where do you fall in this debate?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I managed to get half of my famous list of to dos done. I’ve read a lot about ragu sauces lately. Would you believe I threw my own creativity to the wind? I have my own ragu simmering on the stovetop. It would seem a ragu typically requires a few hours at a simmer. I made notes of what I used and I’ll see what needs to be changed for the next time. Stay tuned! I’ll share the results and the ingredients I used!

A part of my responsibilities at my job is to encourage and develop fundraising campaigns for a few social programs like the local food bank, Centraide and Mira. We are currently campaigning for Centraide. Centraide is a beautiful organization devoted to the assistance of families and children in need in our own communities. Since I was at work this morning, I shared a couple ideas with my colleagues. I was so enthusiastic, that, one of my colleagues couldn’t help herself and she laughed! I was smiling so much and I asked, “you don’t like the idea?” And she said, “I love it! You’re a volcano of ideas!”

And, I simply, thought, that was a real, genuine compliment. Thank you. Because every once in a while words like these can make a difference in how you feel.


A quiet day


Welcome autumn