
Good habits, bad habits. Things we do every day like brush our teeth only in the morning and not three times like recommended. Or, making or not making our bed each day. I can keep going for hours of the habits I have which are really not great but I have. Then, there are the habits I try to follow, and well, I fall really, really short. But, then there are those few habits, I’m good at. Those habits as easily as breathing. Mind you, some of those habits are not healthy.

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the habit of simplicity. That simplicity is a way of life. And, yesterday, I found myself thinking about simplicity.

Honestly, I am anything but simple. And, I live an unbalanced life. There are periods in my life that I do live simply, or rather, balanced. On the average, I try very hard to compact as much as I can in each day. And, this my reading friend, is neither living simply nor balanced. It’s living a chaotic life of self-judgment, comparison and discouragement. Wow, there’s some honesty for you.

And, then, I thought, well don’t I need to understand what I need in order to live a simple and balanced life? I’m not sure what the answer is to this question. It most certainly is not how I’ve been living these last few months. I know who I would like to be. I described this woman in the “Our story” as “a young woman’s purposeful attempt to return to a simple life. A return to an unhurried and gentle way of life.” But this fictitious woman is the very same woman who crashed and burned at the end of last week by being the exact opposite.

The timing of it all is impeccable. The final two weeks of the year and the beginning of a new year. I’m not going to even touch the idea of resolutions with a ten foot pole. I’ll leave that to all the other bloggers!

What I am ready to do is to stop. Stop. Take a few steps back and find myself. I’m doing this because I should be able to answer the question, without hesitation, what do I need in order to live a simple and balanced life.

Maybe this is a journey you’ll take with me.


I made a paperweight.


The challenge of ‘simplicity’